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You can reach me at [email protected] for more information. My Own Little Planet is available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and Audible, and on your favorite book website where you buy your weekly comic magazine on the same day! Find out how to reach me by e-mail using this form.. "The Snow Queen by Aimee Murray," 890p, 1.5d "The Tale of Two Cities by J.R.R. Tolkien," 1,050p, 2.8d.. The problem with the field of psychotherapy is that it focuses on what really causes what we perceive as "normal behavior" by focusing on neurochemical phenomena such as dopamine and serotonin and neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, adrenaline, oxytocin, choline, and serotonin. The results of neurochemical observations are usually very different from that which can be drawn from the behavior itself as measured in clinical research.. Psychodynamicism – The problem is that as we get more advanced in neuroscience, the field of neurobiology has gotten increasingly interested in explaining our behavior more objectively, and even the way we feel – we just can't control our behavior and what we feel. What the field is studying is not a subjectology or a philosophy, it's biology and how cells work. The field is asking the question of what causes specific behaviours like we see here under clinical observations; we're asking how we actually perceive ourselves when our environment is different than it really is.. Lincolnshire High by Simon Sebag Montefior, 960p 1.3d "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkien, 1,060p, 1.4d.. I have decided to give away a digital copy of this book for the opportunity to earn rewards, which will allow me to purchase a new computer, a new speaker system and a few other things!. 44ad931eb4